OctoCPA — affiliate network

Terms and Conditions

This user agreement is concluded between you — an individual and the administration of the Internet resource «CPA-network octocpa.com».

User — an individual who has reached the age of majority, capable of acquiring civil rights for himself by his actions and independently exercising them, as well as the ability to create civil obligations for himself by his actions, independently fulfill them and bear responsibility in case of their failure to fulfill them, who has accepted the terms of this user agreement and uses the services of the site.

Visitor — an individual who has reached the age of majority, capable of acquiring civil rights for himself by his actions and independently exercising them, as well as the ability to create civil obligations for himself by his actions, independently fulfill them and bear responsibility in case of their failure to fulfill them, who visited the site for informational purposes, but did not accept the public offer.

TAHKMEDIA LIMITED, Boumpoulinas 1, 3rd floor, Flat/Office 31, 1060, Nicosia, Cyprus
VAT: CY10409898P (Registration number: HE 409898), which is the sole owner of the site on the basis of private property rights and carries out organizational, financial, technical support for the existence and functioning of the site. Also, the Administration ensures the uninterrupted functioning of the CPA network and round-the-clock free access of all participants of such a network. Participants of the network, their status, rights and obligations are provided for by the provisions of this User Agreement.

Advertiser — a person who wants to place an offer in the CPA network, for the purpose of alienation of a certain product and / or service.

Webmaster — a person who, using methods permitted by the Advertiser, attracts clients interested in purchasing offers offered by the Advertiser.

Client — A person who, through the activities of the CPA network, is attracted by the methods of the webmaster to purchase/dispose of offers for goods and/or services offered by the Advertiser.

Parties — Administration, Webmasters, Clients, Users, Visitors and Advertisers.

CPA network — An electronic environment of business activity, during which contractual relationships are formed between the advertiser and the webmaster, by virtue of which the advertiser offers offers for goods and/or services, and the webmaster, in turn, attracts clients interested in purchasing offers, using methods permitted by the advertiser. The end result of such activity is the purchase of goods and/or services by the client, through the CPA network.

Offer — An offer for the alienation of goods and/or services placed by the Advertiser in the CPA network.

The website is an Internet resource of the CPA network, which has the domain name — octocpa.com, which is under organizational management and belongs to the administration, on the terms of private property rights.

Public offer — an offer addressed by the administration to an indefinite number of persons or several specific persons, which definitely, specifically and expresses the intention of the person who made the offer to consider himself having concluded this user agreement with the addressee, who will accept the offer.

Acceptance — full acceptance by the User of the terms of the public offer of the Administration to conclude this user agreement. Acceptance of the public offer will be considered the direct placement of the order by the User, in the manner established by the User Agreement.

User Agreement (abbreviated — Agreement) — a document defining the general rules for visiting the site, regulating the status of the parties, the procedure for purchasing products, as well as other essential conditions of interaction between the Parties.

  1. General Provisions
    1.1 This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) defines the general rules of visiting, using services and norms of general behavior on the Site and regulates civil-law relations between Users, Visitors, as well as Users and Visitors, and the Administration in the process of their interaction.
    1.2 This Agreement may be changed by the decision of the Administration, unilaterally. Administration is not obliged to personally notify Users of such changes. The new edition of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of publication on the site.
    1.3 The terms of the Agreement apply to all visitors to the site, without exception.
    1.4 In case of disagreement with the provisions of this Agreement (in part or in whole), the person who expressed such will is not entitled to use the information field of the Site.
    1.5. The parties have agreed that the person who has accepted the public offer is considered to have familiarized himself with the provisions of this User Agreement, being with clear memory and full understanding of legal consequences of conclusion of such agreements. The essence, scope of obligations established for each of the parties to this Agreement are fully understood by them.
  2. Regulation of interaction between the parties
    2.1 Administration provides Users with the information field of CPA-network octocpa.com, which includes, but is not limited to: the general area of use for visitors of the site, the area of use for registered users — Advertisers, Webmasters, Clients.
    2.2 The Advertiser places an offer, by transferring the relevant information to the personal manager. Personal manager is assigned to each visitor who has accepted the terms of this User Agreement and passed the registration procedure on the site. Administration may, but is not obliged to provide a service of brief consultation of advisory nature on the questions asked. Provision of such advice is free of charge.
    2.3 To receive the service specified in paragraph 2.2. The user independently places a request for such service by means of: skype, telegram. Questionnaire data of personal manager’s accounts in skype and/or telegram, are contained in the corresponding information block, placed in the upper right corner of the page. When ordering such a service, it is necessary to briefly formulate your question, as well as leave contact information — E-mail, contact phone number.
    2.4 The Administration has the right not to respond to the posted request of the user and not to provide an answer, if this request will be vaguely formulated, contain brutal, offensive user name, words and phrases in the address of the Administration, third parties, as well as for other reasons, guided by internal beliefs.
    2.5 The User’s use of services and (or) opportunities provided by the Administration through the site does not provide the User with any exclusive rights and privileges to the material / non-material property of the Administration.
    2.4 The parties to this agreement have agreed that the Administration has the right to place on the site advertising blocks, banners, ads in any of its areas, including where the information posted by the User, without further consent of the User.
    2.5 Information posted on the site by the Administration is the result of intellectual activity of the Administration and all property and personal non-property rights to such information belong to the Administration, until otherwise established. In this case, the User does not have any exclusive rights to the result of intellectual activity of the Administration, expressed in graphic, text, audio-video form, posted by the Administration on the site.
    2.6 The Administration is under no obligation to protect violated rights of the User by third parties, in the context of the settlement of disputes arising on this ground, including in court.
    2.7. Violation by the User of copyright belonging to the Administration and (or) other persons, entails for the violator of the responsibility provided by the provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.
    2.8 In case of detection of copyright infringement by the User, by illegally posting materials that do not belong to the User, the Administration removes from free access to such materials, at the first request of the legal owner of the right, after conducting a dispute resolution procedure.
    2.9. The User and (or) Visitor is prohibited to post on the site information that directly or indirectly contains common signs of pornography, insulting, offensive, damaging to someone’s dignity, containing calls for violence, disorderly conduct and other actions that lead to violations of the current legislation, certain territorial jurisdiction, containing malicious software and (or) other information that may cause harm to third parties.2.10. In case of violation of the terms of cl. 2.9. of this Agreement and failure to fulfill the requirements of the Administration, including the removal of such information from public access, the Users of the site shall be liable under the provisions of this Agreement and (or) the current legislation of Seychelles.In such case, the Administration has the right to remove the information mentioned in clause 2.9. of this Agreement on its own.
  3. 2.11. The Administration is not responsible for the results of the User’s visit to third-party (external) resources, links to which may be placed on the site. 1.3 The terms of the Agreement apply to all visitors to the site, without exception.1.4 In case of disagreement with the provisions of this Agreement (in part or in whole), the person who expressed such will is not entitled to use the information field of the Site.1.5. The parties have agreed that the person who has accepted the public offer is considered to have familiarized himself with the provisions of this User Agreement, being with clear memory and full understanding of legal consequences of conclusion of such agreements.The essence, scope of obligations established for each of the parties to this Agreement are fully understood by them. 2.
  4. Regulation of interaction between the parties 2.1 Administration provides Users with the information field of CPA-network octocpa.com, which includes, but is not limited to: the general area of use for visitors of the site, the area of use for registered users — Advertisers, Webmasters, Clients.2.2 The Advertiser places an offer, by transferring the relevant information to the personal manager.
  5. Personal manager is assigned to each visitor who has accepted the terms of this User Agreement and passed the registration procedure on the site.Administration may, but is not obliged to provide a service of brief consultation of advisory nature on the questions asked.Provision of such advice is free of charge.
  6. 2.3 To receive the service specified in paragraph 2.2.The user independently places a request for such service by means of: skype, telegram.
  7. Questionnaire data of personal manager’s accounts in skype and/or telegram, are contained in the corresponding information block, placed in the upper right corner of the page.
  8. When ordering such a service, it is necessary to briefly formulate your question, as well as leave contact information — E-mail, contact phone number.2.4 The Administration has the right not to respond to the posted request of the user and not to provide an answer, if this request will be vaguely formulated, contain brutal, offensive user name, words and phrases in the address of the Administration, third parties, as well as for other reasons, guided by internal beliefs.2.5 The User’s use of services and (or) opportunities provided by the Administration through the site does not provide the User with any exclusive rights and privileges to the material / non-material property of the Administration.2.4 The parties to this agreement have agreed that the Administration has the right to place on the site advertising blocks, banners, ads in any of its areas, including where the information posted by the User, without further consent of the User.2.5 Information posted on the site by the Administration is the result of intellectual activity of the Administration and all property and personal non-property rights to such information belong to the Administration, until otherwise established.In this case, the User does not have any exclusive rights to the result of intellectual activity of the Administration, expressed in graphic, text, audio-video form, posted by the Administration on the site.2.6 The Administration is under no obligation to protect violated rights of the User by third parties, in the context of the settlement of disputes arising on this ground, including in court.
  9. In this section, a registration form is filled out, which contains the following fields: first name, last name, e-mail address. After filling out, to submit data for registration, you need to click on the “Registration” button. Within some time, the authorization data in the CPA-network will be sent to the e-mail address specified by the visitor. After authorization in the network, using such data, the User can use the full functionality of the CPA-network, without restrictions.
  10. 3.2.6. Offer is placed by the Advertiser on the conditions defined by the information field of the site, the User Agreement, by contacting a personal manager.
    3.2.7. The User can contact the Administration using the Administration’s e-mail account [email protected].
  11. 3.3 The order of payment for products
  12. 3.3.1 The cost of offers is determined by the Advertiser, and is published on the site in an open form.
  13. 3.3.2 The price of products, specified on the site is dynamic, is of introductory nature, is distributed for the purpose of determining the price benchmarks of services and can be changed by the Advertiser, without further notice to Visitors.3.3.3 Payment can be made by the User, in one of the convenient ways provided by the functionality of the CRA-network and this User Agreement.
  14. 3.3.4 If the Customer refuses to pay for the offer, the transfer of the offer to the Customer is not carried out, due to the failure to fulfill the obligations undertaken by him. Users have the right to apply to the judicial authorities with disputes relating to transactions involving Users. 2.13. CPA-Network does not distribute goods and/or services.
  15. The main functional purpose of the CPA-network is to organize a meeting place for Advertiser, Webmaster and/or Clients in virtual space.
  16. The Administration is obliged by this User Agreement to maintain the CPA-network operability.2.14. The legal status of the Administration is an intermediary performing organizational and management function.
  17. At the same time, the Administration is not the owner of the subjects of offers that are published in the CPA-network, does not place such offers on its own behalf.2.15. Administration provides for temporary use of Users, Advertisers, Webmasters, Clients the information field of CPA-network and undertakes to provide support provided by the User Agreement.2.16. Administration has the right to send informational messages by means of email distribution, push notifications and other sources, in order to provide information about the system and other informational messages.
  18. Domains for sending e-mail messages are [email protected] and can be supplemented and changed as necessary.
  19. Notifications are set up in the system user profile. 3.The order of using the services by the User3.1. The User has the right to freely use the services and offers set forth on the site to the fullest extent, except for those cases when such use is illegal, violates the rights, freedoms and interests of the Administration and (or) other Users of the site.3.2 The procedure for using the functionality of the CPA-network octocpa.com: 3.2.1 The Advertiser independently visits the information field of the site, places an order using the functionality of the site.3.2.2 Webmaster independently visits the information field of the site, selects a product for promotion according to suitable quality, technical and price parameters.3.2.3 If necessary, the Administration provides Customers with consulting and information service on product selection, in accordance with the procedure provided for in this User Agreement.
  20. In the presence of permission from the Administration, the User must display the full name and domain name of the source in the following format: CRA-network octocpa.com, Hyperlink must be active and direct, when clicking on which you can go to the specific page of the site from which the material is borrowed.
  21. 4.2 By analogy with the instructions set out in paragraph 4.1. of this Agreement, the User undertakes to act in the case of the use of intellectual property results that belong to third parties. The method and procedure for implementation is specified in the process of negotiations with the right holder of the materials.
  22. 4.3 The Administration shall not be liable for the actions of the User, which resulted in violation of the rights of third parties, except in cases defined by the current legislation of Seychelles.
  23. 4.4 The Administration is not responsible for the content of information posted by users.
  24. 4.5 Administration is not responsible for the content of user reviews. Reviews of users of the site are subjective opinions of their authors, in no way claiming to be objective. They may not coincide with public opinion and do not correspond to reality.
  25. 4.6 The decision to release/not release personal data is made by the Administration, only on the basis of a request sent by a person of the Administration, in the manner prescribed by the norms of current legislation.
  26. 4.7 The Administration has the right not to respond to requests, appeals and letters that do not contain the details of the applicant (name, contact details).
  27. 4.8 The Administration is not responsible for the registration data that were specified by the user when interacting with the information field of the site.
    4.9. Administration has the right, without explanation to limit, block access of the User (including unregistered) to the site, with partial or complete deletion of information that was posted by the User on the site.
  28. 4.10. Administration is obliged to consider the claim, formalized in the manner prescribed by Section 4 of the agreement, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt.
  29. 4.11. The User is solely responsible for the use of products purchased by him through the information field of the site, as well as for the consequences of such use.
  30. 4.12. The Parties state that the Agreement is accepted by them with a clear memory and full understanding of the legal consequences of entering into such Agreements. The essence, scope of obligations, which are established for each of the Parties by this Agreement, are clear to them in full. The Parties agree that each of them was provided with full and true information regarding the data set forth in the provisions of this Agreement.
  31. Users have the right to apply to the judicial authorities with disputes relating to transactions involving Users.Administration, in such a case, is not jointly and severally liable for losses caused by the guilty User, and does not act on the side of the creditor, neither in the status of joint and several.3.4 Procedure of Product delivery 3.4.1 Delivery of the subject of the Offer to the Customer is carried out in a manner previously agreed upon by the Parties. 3.4.2 The conditions of delivery of the subject of the offer are individual for each case.3.4.3 The order and term of delivery of the subject of the offer to the Customer is determined by the terms and conditions of the offer. 3.4.4 The parties have agreed that delivery of the subject of the offer to the User is carried out in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the User Agreement. 3.4.5 The subject of the offer is transferred to the Customer only after the Customer has paid the full cost of the product to the Advertiser.3.5 Procedure for returning products3.5.1 Return of the object of the offer of proper quality is possible in case if its trade dress, consumer properties, as well as the document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified products are preserved.
  32. The return of the subject of the offer shall be made to the Advertiser who refused in favor of the Customer the subject of the offer.All issues related to the organization of the return of the subject of the offer, refund of the cost, compensation of related expenses shall be resolved between the Client and the respective Advertiser.3.5.2 The Customer has no right to refuse products of proper quality, having individually defined properties, if the said products can be used exclusively by the User purchasing them.3.5.3 The Advertiser is obliged to place full details of the company that sells products and/or services within the framework of the branding developed by the Advertiser.
  33. Non-fulfillment of this rule is not allowed, is a violation of this Agreement and is the basis for termination of service of the landing site by the Administration, within the CRA-network.4. duties and responsibilities of the parties
  34. 5.1.1., 5.1.2. of this Agreement to the administration’s e-mail: [email protected].
  35. 5.2 Claims of Users on the quality of service, products, as well as other comments should be sent to the administration e-mail box: [email protected]. 5.3. In case of any complaints about the quality of service, products, as well as other remarks should be sent to the administration e-mail box: [email protected].
  36. 5.3 In the case described in par. 3.2.4. of the User Agreement, complaints, claims, comments are sent to the management of the relevant resources. Administration has the right not to respond to such appeals.
  37. 5.4 Administration is not obliged to assist in the search for the persons mentioned in paragraph 3.2.4. as well as other third parties, whose actions violated the rights, freedoms and interests of Users.
  38. 5.5. Administration is not a beneficiary in transactions between Clients and Advertisers, is not responsible, and is not obliged to assist the Client in organizing the processes provided for in paragraph. 3.5.1. of the User Agreement, equally, has the right not to respond to requests from Customers to its address, in connection with these circumstances.
  39. Other conditions
    6.1 All possible situations, disputes arising from the relationship between Users, Users and third parties, Users and administration, not settled by this agreement, shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure determined by the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus
    6.2 The parties to this agreement are aware of the scope of rights and obligations arising from the relationship between the persons referred to in this agreement, and are fully aware of their actions, understanding the legal nature of the consequences of such actions.
    6.3 Inaction on the part of the Administration in case of violation of the provisions of the Agreement by any of the Users does not deprive the Administration of the right to take appropriate action later in defense of its interests and protection of legally protected rights.
    6.4 For all issues, except for those fixed in Section 5 of the User Agreement, Users can address the Administration by sending appropriate appeals.
  40. 6.5. Contact details of the Administration: [email protected]